The power of Zen, the science of music. Toward a new era of meditation.
With the globally recognized 'Zen Brain,' experience the ultimate relaxation for yourself.

It's a sound meditation program that maximizes the effects of Zazen, combining traditional Zen monk guidance with music scientifically researched to deepen meditation effects in a short time.

Currently, mindfulness meditation has become popular worldwide, particularly in Europe and the United States. Many major companies have meditation rooms within their premises, and actively incorporate meditation programs into their training.
Mindfulness meditation primarily focuses on conscious awareness, and its effectiveness in various areas such as "stress reduction," "improving sleep quality," and "increasing work efficiency" has been evident in various studies.
In contrast, traditional Zen meditation, known as "Zazen," focuses on the subconscious mind. It offers mental benefits such as "enhancing self-esteem" in addition to the effects on the mind and body that mindfulness brings. Ultimately, it contributes significantly to improving the Quality of Life (QOL).
However, many people may face challenges when trying to meditate, such as "lack of time," "lack of a suitable meditation environment," or "not knowing how to do it."
"Zen Brain," a program created by Rev. Takayuki Kurashima of Tsu City Shitennoji Temple, a Zen Buddhist temple with a history of over a thousand years, and Masahiro Nakawaki, a music producer who currently researches music therapy based on scientific evidence, uses "music that deepens the effects of meditation in a short time" to maximize the benefits of Zazen.
This program was launched in June 2023 in Los Angeles (hosted by Japan House Los Angeles) and New York (hosted by the New York Peace Foundation, with support from the United Nations, Japanese Government Representative Office, and Japan House Los Angeles) as a Sound Meditation event program called "Find Your Zen." It attracted nearly 200 participants, which is exceptional for a meditation event, and received high praise from the attendees.
We invite you all to experience "Zen Brain" (Find Your Zen), which has received significant acclaim in Los Angeles and New York.
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